Wednesday, February 24, 2010

To bed or not to bed

After getting up to help get Matt off to work this mornings daily choice to go back to bed with Liam or stay up and get packing done was a hard one. Its too tempting to crawl back into back for early morning cuddles, even though i know i have a lot of packing to do and the time when both of my hands are free is limited. Going back to bed inevitably leads to Liam waking, but that only means we can nurse and read together, which is hardly a drawback. I feel like its time missed; he's growing so fast and i want to saver every last minute with him. On this morning i will do laundry and sweep the kitchen while he sleeps, two jobs he less then enjoys being hauled around for. I'll wait to hear the faint stirrings on the baby monitor so i can rush in and claim my sticky baby kisses.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Burning the log at both ends

As part of the deal with the house we have to put in a new wood stove for the insurance. This is the one we picked because it was a working cook top on it, plus it has a cast iron shell.
It will be going in just before we move in on the 5th of march. I can't wait to start the first fire. Matt and I have been craving a wood stove since we visited my parents at Yule: the soft warm heat, the glow of the fire and the faint smell of wood smoke in the morning as we go out to let the girls (chickens) out for there morning pecking.

Monday, February 15, 2010

bookin' it

I'm the spirit of cleaning and packing we brought over 100 books to the used book store and walked out with a few new ones:

Let it Rot!: The Gardener's Guide to Composting

Carrots love tomatos
1,519 All-Natural, All-Amazing Gardening Secrets: Expert Tips for Gardens and Yards of All Sizes

Root Cellaring: Natural Cold Storage of Fruits & Vegetables

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New book

In celebration of the new house i went and picked up a new book i had wanted for some time now. The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live It, by John Seymour. Its great resource for anyone who wants to homestead, hobbies farm or even just have a garden. It covers everything from composting to cheese making and gardening to livestock. It gives you the perfect amount of information: it will give you a good understanding of the subject but not to much so that you are overwhelmed.

We got it !

We found our farm! We are just waiting for the home inspection this week and to sign the papers and it ours! we looked at it last week and put an offer in the next day. It has 2.5 acres, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, wood-heat and a huge eat-in kitchen. I also has a barn, chicken coop and 2 green houses; its our dream house. It looks like our closing date is going to be march 1st so i have so much planing and packing to do. I keep thinking about all the pepper and tomatoes we can grow in the green house this summer and how I'm going to lay ever thing out.
So Happy.....